Do you want a headstart on finding the perfect name(s) for your little papoose? There are thousands of options available. Here’s the 5 of most popular native boy names of all time (and their meanings):
- Axe – It’s a name that’s generally used as a symbol of peace. In fact, native men refer to it when avoiding conflict because it points to positivity.
- Chaske – This one sounds cool and it means something cool as well. How does the “center of attention” suit you?
- Dakota – It’s still common today because the name means “trustworthy” which is a timeless value.
- Dyami – The name means “majestic or mighty eagle” and it’s commonly used as a symbol of natural fortitude.
- Nova – This one can be used for boys or girls because it simply means “new” in most tribal languages.
As you can see, the most popular native names for baby boys are both sweet-sounding and sentimental. Next, you have to match them up with your family name and tribal traditions because that’s what matters most.
Baby naming factors that always matter
What’s in a name? Well, a lot of things actually. Most importantly, the meaning behind the words. It’s also important to imagine calling him that name when he gets older. Then, combine it with his middle and last names to make sure they all sound good together. Lastly, consider the meaning and stay away from definitions you don’t like.
For Example: If your family’s last name means something strong like “warrior,” then you probably don’t want a first name that means “pacifist” unless you’re being ironic.
Tips for choosing the best native boy names for your sons
As natives, our sons have ancestors to respect and legacies to fulfill. That means their names have to mean something ancient while still blending in with modern society. Here are some tips to help you get that done while still honoring your family:
- Interview native relatives for some inspiring name ideas. Who knows? You might even discover something you’ve never even thought about.
- Combine two or three native boy names for a uniquely modern twist. That way, you still come up with an interesting and honorable name even if you can’t choose just one.
- Create a story with the first, middle, and last names. Then, turn them into a complete sentence or a three-part prompt that says something special about your family.
As always, try to refer back to your tribal leaders or clan elders for help with specific traditions. Under no circumstances should you name your son because of a trend. Remember, trends can fade but legacies rarely die.
The takeaway
Parents who try to take this baby-naming business seriously are more likely to feel assured they’ve done the research and work to find the best match for their son. After all, you baby has to live with the title for the rest of his natural-born life.