Personal traits vary from individual to individual. If gender equality is nurtured at home itself, there won’t be any difference between a son and a daughter. But what are the pros, which outweigh the cons of having a daughter?
If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation). – Dr. James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey
It has been observed in the U.S. that while sons tend to linger around parents a bit longer, daughters become financially independent well before sons do.
Daughters are more likely to call or visit their parents as they grow older. This emotional support means a lot to the parents as age catches up with them. As such, daughters are more reliable and out-maneuver sons when the question of supporting aging parents comes up.
A daughter is more curious about the state of affairs of everyone in the family. Hence, family members interact with her more, as she is more vocal of her opinions, and is genuinely caring about the welfare of others. Daughters also have a natural talent to calm everyone down whenever there is an argument or crisis within the family.
Whether it’s anyone’s birthday coming up, or mom’s and dad’s marriage anniversary, a daughter keeps track of all important events within the family, and plans meticulously for the celebration party.
While boys may be pampered to lie around and do whatever they like, girls will most likely take an initiative and help in cleaning those utensils, doing the laundry, or cooking dinner for the entire family.
As girls mature faster than boys, parents can better relate towards their daughter more as a friend than as a child.