Expecting a visit from the stork is an extremely exciting period for couples. In addition to other preparations for the baby’s arrival, finding an ideal name for your little one is a tough choice. To help reduce your task, we give you a list of options to choose from. Also included, are preppy names for your dog, some nicknames and a few last names too!
Did You Know?
David and Victoria Beckham have named their children with some of the best and most unique preppy names. Their children are named Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper.
Every parent dreams of a successful and secure future for their kids. They want to give their children the best of everything and very often, admission to an Ivy League institution is one of the things on this list.
Ivy League schools are considered as the most prestigious universities to attend in the United States of America. These schools are associated with the elite class in addition to academic excellence. If you see your to-be-born as a part of this prestigious lifestyle, then giving your child a preppy name is a must! Celebrities have also, always proved to be a great source of inspiration to many. Take a look at the following lists and pick your favorite.
For your Baby Girl
Ava | Abigail | Alyssa | Annabelle |
Arabella | Avery | Astoria | Augusta |
Ashley | Aldys | Audrey | Amanda |
Bryce | Beth | Brooke | Buffy |
Blair | Carla | Charlotte | Courtney |
Caroline | Claire | Chloé | Denise |
Dorrance | Elizabeth | Elan | Elle |
Erin | Emma | Eve | Grace |
Hayley | Helen | Julia | Jessica |
Jennifer | Janet | Kaitlin | Kim |
Lindsey | Laura | Lisa | Martha |
Madison | Mackenzie | Meredith | Mila |
Naomi | Olivia | Renée | Sandra |
Sophia | Scarlett | Vivianne | Xeiss |
Xalen | Yana | Zeta | Zoey |
For your Baby Boy
Archer | Ambrose | Aldrich | August |
Andrew | Alex | Addison | Arnold |
Ben | Bourne | Brad | Brett |
Bruce | Burke | Calvin | Carlisle |
Charles | Chad | Channing | Chip |
Calis | Davis | Dan | Darren |
Donald | Danforth | Denzel | Derek |
Edward | Elvert | Elton | Eric |
Evert | Forbes | Henry | Homer |
Hugh | Hunter | Jake | Jason |
Joey | Josh | Nate | Nick |
Parker | Pierce | Prince | Ralph |
Roger | Ryan | Sean | Seth |
Spencer | Scott | Stuart | Ted |
Tyler | Warner | Walter | Will |
For your Dog
Sailor | Muffy | Brandy | Duffy |
Dido | Hershey | Jasper | Logan |
Macy | Penny | Rocco | Snoop |
Ginger | Yankee | Trip | Rudder |
Max | Munch | Jupiter | Bunker |
Top Nicknames
Corkie | Gigi | Babs | Meg |
Mimi | Biff | Kiki | Missy |
Molly | Kit | Tad | Van |
Cricket | Kitty | Coco | Tiffy |
Win | Miffy | Cece | Trip |
Last Names
Auburn | Antioch | Adelphi | Alderson |
Augustana | Biff | Arcadia | Alvernia |
Brown | Bauder | Beacon | Brunau |
Barat | Cambridge | Chapman | CoeDillard |
Denison | Deaki | Lehman | LaGrange |
Oglethorpe | Olivet | Oberlin | Ouachita |
Simmons | Shepherd | Smith | Simpson |
Washburn | Simpson | Wilson | Webber |
Wilkes |
These names are bound to make a great first impression which is an essential aspect of applying to a prep school.