Even a slight rise in the body temperature of an infant can indicate serious infections. Therefore, infant fever temperature chart given in this article will help to understand when there is a need for medical attention in order to avoid complications.
What is fever? It is the rise in the normal body temperature which is caused due to the defense mechanism of our body, in response to the infections and attacks of various microorganisms which can cause dangerous diseases. Fever is very frequently observed in infants as they have weak immune power compared to adults. Hence, it is very important to know what temperature will be dangerous for the baby.
Baby Fever Temperature Chart
The following infant fever temperature chart will help you to get an idea about the temperature which needs medical attention.
Age (months) | Temperature | |
Normal | Fever | |
0 to 3 | 97 °F to 100.4 °F | Above 100.4 °F |
3 to 6 | 97 °F to 100.4 °F | Above 101 °F |
Above 6 | 97 °F to 100.4 °F | 102 °F and above |
Due to their low immune power, infants are more susceptible to infections, which may be signaled by the body in the form of fever. But to know whether the baby has fever or not, you need to know about the normal body temperature of an infant. Newborn babies have a low temperature which is less than 98 °F and as the days pass the temperature increases. The Average normal body temperature for infants varies from 97 °F to 100.4 °F. From temperature 98.6 °F to 99.5 °F the baby is said to have low-grade fever which may be caused due to overdressing, room temperature, warm weather, thick blanket cover, etc. Temperature above 100.4 °F is considered fever.
You can feel the rise in temperature of the baby by just touching his body. But accurate temperature can be measured with the help of a thermometer. The temperature may vary according to the method used for measuring the temperature. As there are many types of thermometers, the most recommended ones are the rectal and the armpit thermometer. Other thermometers like forehead and oral thermometers are usually not considered accurate. Readings observed from different thermometers may vary, hence consider only one thermometer while measuring the temperature.
Factors Affecting the Body Temperature of Infant
The rise in temperature is not always fever. So, when your baby shows higher temperature then try to find out other symptoms of fever also, like, loss of appetite, extreme irritation, crying, very less energy, etc. Following are some of the factors which may increase the body temperature:
- There is a natural rise in body temperature in late afternoon to early evening and low temperature in the morning. Therefore temperature taken in these hours may differ from the normal temperature.
- Medicines may also cause rise in body temperature. Hence do not take temperature immediately after giving any type of medication.
- Room temperature also matters. Covering the baby in a thick blanket or overdressing him may also increase the temperature. So take the temperature in light clothes and in normal room temperature.
What to do if an Infant has Fever
If the body temperature of your infant is above the normal temperature then you may require medical help. If the baby is less than 3 months, then even a slight rise in temperature need to be taken seriously, therefore consult a doctor immediately. Infants who are between 3 to 6 months can bear temperatures up to 101 °F. So try to bring the temperature down by using some simple remedies like wiping the body with a sponge or cloth dipped in lukewarm water, dressing him in light clothes, etc. If the temperature still rises up then consult the doctor. In case of infants above 6 months take medical advice at the temperature 102 °F and above.
Do not give any medication without doctor’s prescription. This can be dangerous. If you observe vomiting, diarrhea, cough, loss of appetite, etc. then rush to the doctor. Avoid overdressing and keep the infant at room temperature in a well ventilated room. These few things will reduce your baby’s body temperature.
Disclaimer: This AptParenting article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.