Getting your child into acting and commercials ain’t that easy, considering the huge competition in the field. But it isn’t completely impossible. Learn the best ways to do it, here.
Do you feel your child has potential to become an actor? Is acting a passion for your child? Have mimicking and performing arts always attracted him/her more than academics? Do you really feel encouraging your child to become a model, or an actor, would prove a good decision for the future? If you have answered a yes to at least one of these questions, getting your child into acting makes sense.
Television can have a huge impact on a child’s mind; the charm and the lifestyle of actors and actresses have always kept kids hooked and wanting to be like their so-called television idols. Consequently we see many children, these days, aspiring to become actors. But, ‘should kids be encouraged to become actors’ will remain a debated question forever. The negatives of getting a child into acting are plenty, the most important being it hampers studies. Working at a young age can also put unnecessary pressure on the child. The other disadvantage is that there is no foolproof guarantee of success in the career as an actor. There are plenty of disadvantages associated with getting a child into acting. But since you have made up your mind to fulfill your child’s dream of becoming an actor or model, the various ways that would help have been discussed below.
Acting Classes
To hone the skills of your child, enroll him/her in an acting class. You can also hire a personal acting coach for your child. This will surely benefit, because, apart from giving various tips to kids, these trainers also have strong contacts in the industry. Acting schools also provide a platform to the kid to showcase his/her talent in front of an audience. This can boost the confidence of a child to a huge extent. These schools also train the child in dancing and other related performing arts.
Create a Portfolio
Be it modeling or acting, a portfolio is very important. Prepare your kid for the portfolio. You don’t have to do much. Professional portfolio makers are experts in designing portfolios. Just keep updating your child’s portfolio from time to time, for best results.
Seek the help of Agents
Agents generally do not charge any fee once they decide to ‘advertise’ a child. The services of an agent are extremely important in managing the career of your child. Once your child starts getting acting or modeling assignments, the agents charge some percentage of the amount the child earns. Also the agents do not take each and every child, but sponsor only specific and qualified children.
Casting Websites
There are many reputed casting websites that make the journey to become an actor easy. These websites require various details including photographs and would notify you about any work opportunities. But make sure that you are registering only on reputed casting websites.
Other Options
Personally contact local agencies and go through all the advertisements. There are many modeling agencies that provide opportunities to youngsters. Submit a portfolio of your child to the local agencies. Reality shows provide an excellent platform for kids and give them recognition. Also, remember, the child may have to start from small acting firms and then move on to big studios.
The place where you live also plays a vital role in getting your child the adequate recognition as an actor. New York and Los Angeles are places that offer plenty of work opportunities for kids. The laws governing all these places are different, but all these laws do protect the kids. You will also have to take care of formalities like work permit, which is generally required by majority of the states. Don’t lose patience and, as a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your kid gives equal importance to studies as well as acting. The entertainment industry has seen many successful child actors like Miley Cyrus and Angus Jones. Under proper guidance your child can surely make it big in the entertainment industry. Many parents force their kids into acting but make sure you are not one of them. All the best!