Of the many themes that have become popular when hosting a baby shower, the giraffe-themed shower is probably one of the most versatile ones to bring into practice. We will take you through the varied ways in which this theme can be made use of for a successful baby shower.
Gender Themed
The versatility of this theme allows it to be used in its entirety based on either gender. In that way, it is both, neutral and universal.
When it comes to a baby shower, more than anything else, you want the theme of cute to flow through. You not only want to pamper the mother-to-be, but you want to do it with as much ‘cuteness’ in the theme as you can muster. When it comes to using the adorable, and the cute and cuddly theme, have you ever given a thought to using the giraffe as your main symbol? Because, oh-my-God, it is adorable. The entire theme of the shower can be based on this ’cause there is so much you can do with a giraffe baby shower.
Right from the decorations and invitations, to the food and the games, the giraffe theme can be incorporated into every small detail. And to tell you exactly how to do that, this AptParenting article comes your way―it will give you ideas and details about how to plan a super-awesome baby shower with the giraffe as its central theme.
The Essentials
The following are the most important and essential factors that have to be kept in mind when planning a baby shower with this theme.

The giraffe forms the central theme of the invites, and the success of these lies in how well you incorporate the same into the cards. You can make use of the length of the giraffe’s neck and the cuteness overload of the illustrations of baby giraffes, or you can use it in your own unique way. Use the samples above to draw inspiration from.

When it comes to basing decorations on the giraffe theme, there are many, many ways in which it can work. Use the very popular theme of the diaper cake and use stickers of giraffes on it, or place a giraffe soft toy on the cake and make it the main centerpiece. Other than that, make use of giraffe sticker cutouts and use these to make streamers or use them in banners. One can even use the long neck of the giraffe and turn it into a wreath around the door.

Incorporating the giraffe theme into the food can be made into a fun task. Cupcakes with chocolate pieces in the shapes of a giraffe, or cakes which have a giraffe-shaped piece on top of the cake makes for very interesting choices. One can also use butter paper in the shape of a giraffe and spread it on a tray, then use it to serve the cheese or the sandwiches by placing them on this. Other than that, small cutouts of the giraffe design can be stuck on cardboard and placed on the table.

Ring the Giraffe
Either you use a cutout of a cardboard and stick a giraffe sticker on it or you use a huge soft toy for this game. Place the giraffe at a distance of 10-15 feet away and draw a line to indicate the standing point. Give each participant 3-5 rings. At the blow of the whistle, the participant has to try to put the ring around the neck of the giraffe―to do which, the participant gets 3-5 chances. They’re timed for this and the person who manages to put the ring around the neck in the fastest time, wins.
Jigsaw Puzzle
You will need many pictures of giraffes, chart papers, and glue for this task. Calculate the number of people that there are. Depending on that, choose the amount of pictures you need and then cut the pictures into jigsaw puzzles. Each person is passed a piece, but they cannot look at this until the whistle blows. Once the whistle blows, the participants have to look at their piece and find the rest of their team members who have the rest of the pieces. Then they have to stick the pieces on the chart paper provided to make the complete picture. The team that manages to do this first, wins.
Tail the Giraffe
This is a rather common game, but it’s still fun. Because we are using the giraffe theme, use a cutout of a giraffe for it. Take this cutout and place it on a board. The tail of the giraffe has been cut off and the aim of the game is to tail the giraffe. Each participant is blindfolded when it is her turn and the tail which is attached to a pin is given to her―she has to pin the giraffe. Whoever is able to pin the tail the closest, wins.
The Raffle Ticket
Attach a raffle ticket with the invite and ask the ladies to get a diaper pack to participate. Once they come to the party, collect the tickets from those who’ve got a diaper pack. Only those who have got one can participate. At the end of the party, or while the games are in motion, pull out a winner from the draw and give her a gift.
Party Favors and Gifts

As far as gifts are concerned, there is a lot you can do to use this theme. Think of gifting bibs or rompers that have the giraffe design printed on them. Or you can gift the ever-so-popular, and the ever-so-needed diaper cake with the giraffe incorporated in it as a soft toy. Other than that, a gift basket with the essential baby products like baby powder, creams, and wipes can be gifted as well.
When it comes to favors for the party―a return gift, giraffe candles seem to be a very popular choice. To carry this theme further, these can be given to the guests in tote or paper bags that have the giraffe etched on them.
With so many ways in which this theme can be used, there will be no dearth of fun at the party. What’s more, not only can you use the ideas provided in this article, you can even draw inspiration from the same. To a great baby shower then…