Homemade baby wipes are safer, especially for babies who have sensitive skin. Go through this article for some tips to make baby wipes at home.
If you have a baby at home, then wet wipes is one of those products, that you would always want to keep handy. These moistened paper towels are best to deal with the frequent spit ups and food spills. However, commercial baby wipes can sometimes irritate the baby’s skin. Such reactions are mostly seen in babies, who are prone to diaper rash. Even babies with a sensitive skin may develop such problems. In such cases, you have to look for safer alternatives. Homemade baby wipes are ideal for such babies.
Homemade Baby Wipes
As far as homemade baby wipes are concerned, you may go for cloth wipes that can be cleaned and reused, or paper towels. The wiping solution can be prepared and stored separately or can be added to the paper towels, so that they can be used as wet wipes. The wiping solution can also be stored in a spray bottle, and can be sprayed on the cloth wipe or paper towel, just before use. It can also be used as a diaper spray that can be sprayed directly on the baby’s bum, before wiping.
Method I
The ingredients used in this recipe are regular baby products that do not cause any side effect. However, it is your responsibility to use those variants that are safe for your baby. Your baby’s bath soap and lotion can be used for making this wipe solution. You need four tablespoons each of Johnson’s baby wash and Johnson’s baby lotion, four cups of boiling water, a roll of Bounty paper towel, and two containers. The containers must be sturdy and big enough to stand hot water, and accommodate one half of the paper towel roll.
Cut the paper roll in half, so that you get two small roles. Mix the ingredients, i.e, baby wash, baby lotion, and water. Pour the solution in both containers, equally. Place one half of the paper towel roll in the first container, and the other half in the second container. Close the lids tightly, and wait for five minutes. After that, flip the containers upside down, and leave them like that for another five minutes.
The liquid will be absorbed by the tissues completely. Once done, open the containers, remove the inner cardboard roll, and seal them tight. You can pull out the roll, from the center of the roll, as and when required. You may also make a cut in the lid, so that the wipes can be taken out through the opening.
Method II
In order to prepare organic baby wipes, you may use different ingredients. Some of them are aloe vera gel, essential oils, olive oil, coconut oil, and vitamin E oil. You have to use organic olive oil/coconut oil, a few drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil, organic apple cider vinegar and pure spring water. Use of essential oil is optional. In this case too, ensure that the baby is not allergic to any of the ingredient.
Mix half a liter of spring water with two tablespoons of organic olive oil or coconut oil. Combine five drops of any of the essential oils mentioned above. Add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar too. Your organic baby wipe solution is ready. You may also add half a tablespoon of organic baby wash, which is also optional. This solution can either be stored separately, or used for making wet wipes.
You may prepare an aloe vera baby wipe solution by mixing ¼ cup aloe vera gel with two cups of hot water, and two to three drops of tea tree oil. If you want an antifungal baby wipe, then mix half a cup of distilled water with one drop each of lavender and tea tree oil. Add a tablespoon each of calendula oil and organic apple cider vinegar, along with ¼ cup of aloe vera gel.