Baby showers are one of the most special events associated with maternity. Executing these is no easy task. If you’re planning this event for your friend or daughter, these baby shower cake sayings will definitely help you.
Pretty dresses, little curls
Oh thank Heaven for little girls!
Planes and trains and tonka toys
Thank the Lord for little boys!
A baby shower is an event organized by the relatives and friends of the mother-to-be. Traditionally, these events meant coming together of women to discuss with the expecting mother their own stories of motherhood. Today, the event is more of a party. However, in both cases, the food served usually includes cake and a few finger foods with a beverage for refreshment.
The hosts usually garnish the cake with a nice quote or saying. Given below, are few of these baby shower cake sayings that you can choose from. Since the baby shower can be held both, before or after the birth of the baby, we’ve provided you with examples suitable for both.
If the Birth of the Baby is Pending

✤ Someone special, someone dear, someone new is almost here!
✤ Look out world, here I come!
✤ We know you’ll be great as ma and pa!
✤ The big day is drawing near… the little one is almost here.
✤ Pink or Blue, we’re ready to welcome you!
✤ Our love for you keeps growing stronger… hurry we can’t wait much longer!
✤ Pink or blue, come soon… we’re waiting for you!
✤ Heaven has lost an angel… we’re waiting for it to arrive any moment!
✤ To the mother-to-be, and her sweet little pea.
✤ Double Trouble.
After the Baby is Born

✤ Welcome to Motherhood!
✤ A Star is Born!
✤ Bundle of joy, bundle of love… a special gift from Heaven above.
✤ Here’s welcoming your bundle of joy!
✤ Welcome New Arrival!
✤ Mom and Dad are full of joy… let’s together welcome their Baby Boy!
✤ Two tiny hands, two tiny feet… this little angel, is so very sweet!
✤ Come let’s celebrate a gift of love from Heaven above!
✤Red, Blue, Yellow, Welcome Little Fellow.
✤ Sweet as sugar, cute as pie… ___ is the apple of our eye!
Every moment captured in this event, is going to make a lifelong memory for the mother. Though baby shower cake sayings are probably one of the smallest details of the event, they mean a lot to the mother/mother-to-be. Choose the best out of all these and surprise her with the best shower ever planned.