All parents love to capture the special moments of their baby’s growing up years. The following article suggests some of the best baby scrapbook ideas, which will help them in the most creative manner.
Babies grow real fast. You won’t even realize when they come out of the hospital and when it’s already time for them to go to school. The in-between years, when they are learning to talk, walk, play, eat, etc. ,are very special moments which won’t come again. That’s why, we find parents today recording and preserving all these rare moments, by way of making a memory book. So, for all those parents who want to know how to go about making a baby scrapbook, given below are some creative ideas.
Before she is born
The scrapbook is as much about the baby, as it is about the parents, especially if they are about to become parents for the first time. So, the first few pages should capture some moments of anticipation and excitement that you and your partner experienced, before her arrival. One of the best ideas is to pen down a few of your thoughts, worries, concerns, happiness, excitement, or whatever you and your partner are going through, in the first couple of pages. Below is a list of some of the things that you can include in this section.
- Funny incidences related to the mother’s food cravings or mood swings
- Pictures taken while you and your partner were decorating the baby’s nursery
- Sonogram pictures
- Photographs of the mother’s ever changing body shape, at various phases during the pregnancy
- Photographs of baby shower with perhaps a few messages for the baby from your closest buddies

When she is born
In this section, include all the photographs that you clicked and experiences you had at the hospital. This is an interesting idea, as when your child grows up a bit, you can actually tell her the whole story of how she was born. So capture all the moments, right from how you rushed to the hospital, who all were present, how your partner was recording the whole thing, how long you were in labor, who were the nurses and doctors who delivered her, etc. Other things that you should chronicle here are the baby’s weight and length at birth, the color of eyes and hair, and the date and time of birth.

After she is born
Include all the “first” photographs of the baby. Take photographs of her first smile, crawl, the first time she stands or sits straight, first walk, tooth, bath, laughter, haircut, holiday, etc. Along with the photographs, write a few lines on how you and your partner felt, when the baby was attempting all this. Your little one will love to read these once she grows up.

Her growing up years
Another idea for babies is to capture the moments when she is socializing, i.e., spending time with friends and family, receiving gifts from them, learning to eat, and her reactions in the company of other babies and kids.
When the baby is growing up and her personality is getting shaped, record these changes by writing about them. So, you can write a few lines on things like
- How is the baby – shy, sensitive, social, happy, or is he/she crying all the time.
- What is the baby’s favorite hobby – is it dancing, going out to the park, listening to music, or listening to bedtime stories?
- Who is the baby’s favorite – mom or dad? etc.

I hope these ideas will come in handy when you start recording your baby’s journey into this world and thereafter. In order to decorate the book, you can go to any local craft store, and you will find plenty of supplies like ribbons, flowers, buttons, and stickers, with which you can embellish it. You can even include some things like a lock of your baby’s hair or a hospital bracelet for sentimental value. Although you will find predesigned scrapbooks at many hobby stores, to create one yourself, or for your baby is another feeling all together.