By paying close attention to some simple baby diaper cake instructions, one can prepare a gorgeous looking diaper cake for a baby shower. One can unleash one’s creative side and make a diaper cake that suits one’s style and liking.
Baby showers are always filled with lots of fun and excitement. The expecting mother is all thrilled about her baby arrival in the next few weeks and to celebrate her joy, her friends and family get together at a baby shower. Baby shower is an event organized to make the expectant mother feel all special and wonderful by having games, food and showering her with lots of gifts.
Can any gala affair be conducted without a cake? There are scores of innovative baby shower cakes available to suit the occasion, with various baby themes, etc. However, the most innovative baby shower cake is the diaper cake! Don’t get freaked out! You are not going to be eating diapers! Baby diaper cakes are cakes made of diapers and decorated with adorable baby accessories and baby clothes. The diapers used to make the cake can be used by the mother when her baby is born. Diaper cake is something that brings a smile on the pregnant mother’s face as well as all the guests attending the baby shower.
How to Make a Diaper Cake
Depending on how many tiers you want for the diaper cake, the number of diaper requirement will vary. The more the tiers, the more the diapers required. Moreover, it’s up to you to decide if you want to use folding cloth diapers, disposable diapers or the patterned ones for the diaper cake. If you have a theme in mind, then choose the cake decorations and baby care items as per the theme. The diaper cake instructions mentioned below pertain to a three-tier diaper cake. Adjust the instructions as per your own requirements.
Material Required
- 1 large baby wash (bottle)
- 1 small baby bottle
- 60 diapers
- 40-70 small rubber bands
- 10 large rubber bands
- 1 inch wide ribbon
- Plastic or cardboard cake platter
- Baby care items like miniature stuffed toys, bibs, pacifiers, etc.
- Cake decorations – baby confetti, artificial roses, baby sock roses, etc.
Preparation Procedure
Step 1: Unrolling and Rolling the Diapers
The diapers need to be molded in suitable shape to be used to make the diaper cake. For this open the diaper and begin rolling it from one end, such that the inner portion of the diaper remains inside. It will bear semblance to a cream roll. Now use one rubber band to hold the diaper in its rolled form. Do this for all 60 diapers.
Step 2: Preparing tier 1
Take a plastic or cardboard cake platter and place the large baby wash bottle in the center of the platter. From the 60 baby diapers, pick out 5-6 diapers and place them around the baby wash bottle. Hold them firmly together and place the large rubber band around them, such that they remain in position. Next, take another 10-12 diapers and place them around the first ring of diapers.
Place a rubber band and hold the second ring together as well. Next, take 17-19 diapers and place them around this second ring of diapers. Hold them together with the large rubber band. Your first tier of diapers for the cake is through! Tie the large, one inch ribbon across the middle to hide the rubber bands.
Step 3: Preparing tier 2
As we move ahead to the next tier, we will have one lesser ring while forming the tier, which means since tier 1 had 3 rings, tier 2 will have only 2 rings. For this tier place 5-6 diapers around that portion of the large baby wash bottle that is sticking out from the first tier. Like we did with the earlier tier, place the diapers around the bottle and use a large rubber band to hold them in place. For the second ring take 11-12 diapers are placed around the first ring. Tie them with the one inch ribbon.
Step 4: Preparing tier 3
For the third tier, take the small baby bottle and place 5 diapers around it. Use the rubber band to hold them together and cover it with the ribbon. This is the third tier. Place this tier onto the second tier. Your three tier diaper cake is ready!
Diaper cakes are excellent ways to showcase your creative side. It’s a gift that leaves everybody at the baby shower smiling. What’s even interesting is that you can add scores of tiny baby gifts onto the diaper cake, leaving the expectant mother to unravel the different surprises hidden in the cake. Moreover, let’s not forget what a great centerpiece this diaper makes at the baby shower.