Picking out cute last names is only a small part of the parenting challenge. You'll have a lot of work to do pretty soon, so save some energy by
Know This Before Using the Parents As Teachers Program
Homeschooling your kids can be hard, especially when your kids don't feel like learning. But what happens when they're ready to absorb knowledge yet
How to Shield Your Child from the 5 Types of Cyberbullying
The types of cyberbullying aren't always blatant. They're certainly nothing like what most parents experienced growing up. So, protect your kids from
What are the 5 Best Magazines for Kids?
Convincing your kids to read can sometimes be a major pain in the neck (and the wallet). But buying books isn't the only way to get your children to
Which Is Better: Pampers or Huggies Diapers?
A lot of parents can't decide between Pampers or Huggies because the two brands are so similar. But, you can see the many differences if you look
The 4 Best Circle Games for Kids with Lots of Energy
You've got a bunch of energetic children to entertain for hours, so what are you going to do? How about playing some circle games for kids until it's
Should I Wash Newborn Clothes Before Use?
It's important to keep your baby's onesies and jumpers clean. But did you know that your family's favorite detergent could do more harm than good? In
Fair Babysitting Rates for Parents and Childcare Providers
Paying fair babysitting rates is beneficial to everybody - you, the childcare provider, your kids, and maybe even your ex. When people feel like
4 Fun Games to Boost Self-Esteem and Give Your Kids Confidence
Kids just want to have fun, and they want to feel good about themselves too. So, play some fun games to boost self-esteem and give them the confidence