Are you searching for ways to calm down your over-enthusiastic, restless little bundle, and get her to sleep? Well, a baby swing can be of great help. Check out the most important factors that should be considered while buying a baby swing for your little one.
A Useful Tip!
Not all babies like the swinging motion, and may become even crankier when placed in the swing. Hence, take a trial with your friend’s baby swing before buying one for your kiddo.
Although crankiness is a fairly common baby trait, it can be an overwhelming experience for some parents to handle. In such a situation, a baby swing can prove to be a lifesaver. It has a magical effect on a crying baby because she can associate the rhythmic motion of the swing with the motion she experienced in the womb. If you are looking forward to buying a baby swing for your little one, consider the following factors prior to your purchase.
This factor has been listed first because it is an absolute necessity in any baby swing or any baby gear. The safety standards of a baby swing include a waist belt, crotch restraint, and a well-fitting harness. A five-point harness is the best feature that a swing can have for the safety of the baby. Also, the swing needs to be sturdy to maintain stability while the baby sits inside. A wider base can provide better stability to a baby swing.
The safety factor becomes increasingly important as the baby grows older. A baby can stay in the swing safely, but when she grows to infancy, she can climb out of the swing pretty easily. Hence, parents have to constantly check on their growing baby while using a swing for her. To be on the safer side, if you think that your little girl has grown older, and placing her in the swing may be an invitation to undesired consequences, stop using the swing right away.
Movement and Speed
There are two types of infant swings―one that incorporates the back and forth movement, and the other that moves side-to-side. Some latest models incorporate both the options, which has become the choice of almost all buyers. Although, most babies tend to feel comfortable with the side-to-side motion swing, it is important to try each type of swing before finalizing the deal. Place your baby in the swing and observe her while the swing is in motion. The baby will show signs of comfort in either of the swings, which you can finalize. If the baby feels comfortable in both swing types, focus on other factors like the cost, safety, power supply, portability, etc.
Also, the speed is an important factor that enhances the utility of the swing. If you have a swing that requires pushing by hand, you can control the speed of the swing, and modify it according to the baby’s preferences. On the other hand, if you have a swing that runs on batteries, you will have to set the right speed for the swing before placing the baby inside.
Power Supply
There are three types of power sources available for baby swings―wind-up, plug-in, and battery operated. Wind-up swings are the cheapest models to choose because they are not automatic. You need to keep rewinding the swing after every few minutes to keep it moving. This may not allow enough free time to do other household work or take a nap. Also, these swings can be noisier while winding, which may be annoying for you and your baby. On the contrary, battery-operated swings are the most convenient, but they add to the price of the swing, because the batteries need to be replaced from time to time. However, unlike the wind-up models, these swings are noise-free and function smoothly. Although plug-in models are the most convenient ones among all, there are a very few baby swings that offer this option.
If you want your baby swing to travel with you during outdoor trips, it is important to buy a portable baby swing instead of a standard model. These are lighter in weight, smaller than full-size swings, which makes them easier to carry from one place to another. The only concern with these models is that they are a bit lower in height, and the mother has to bend down fairly frequently while using this swing. This may prove troublesome for a mother who has gone through a C-section delivery, and may experience back problems while using it.
Consider a Used Model
Although baby swing safety standards are getting upgraded constantly, and consumer reports recommend buying a new model, it may be difficult for some families to buy an expensive baby swing. Hence, it is absolutely fine to consider buying a used baby swing, either from a consignment shop or from your friends and relatives. At times, it might be the case that someone has bought a brand new baby swing, but the baby doesn’t like it, and hence, the person consigns it to get some money back. This can fetch you a brand new, unused baby swing for a lesser price. Furthermore, certain reputable consignment shops always check for the age of the baby swing, i.e., they never accept models that are older than five years.
Lastly, you should choose a baby swing that is easy to clean because your baby’s early months include common incidents of diaper overflow, drool, and spit-up. It is extremely important to have a swing with a removable and washable seat cover to maintain proper hygiene around the baby in the swing.