All this while, expectant fathers have had to learn the ropes of fatherhood on their own. However, Boot Camp for New Dads® is a workshop meant exclusively for dads-to-be, and is dedicated to help men prepare for fatherhood.
Since its inception in 1990, Boot Camp for New Dads® has graduated over 300,000 dads-to-be.
Boot Camp for New Dads®
This one-of-a-kind, father-to-father, workshop, known as Boot Camp for New Dads®, was founded in California by Greg Bishop, who along with his friends, decided to help orient dads-to-be about looking after their first child. This nationally-recognized program focuses on imparting skills by veteran dads to ‘rookie’ dads, about the nuances of child care, and what to expect after the birth of their first baby. The main objective of this program is help make first-time fathers assume their new roles with greater confidence and responsibility. It also equips rookie dads with the awareness that will help them support their expecting mates, and become more involved in the upbringing of their infants.
Daddy Boot Camp® is designed to provide a friendly setting, that allows the new members to feel relaxed and approach the situation with a more open mind. Which is another reason why women above 2 feet are not allowed to attend these meetings. However, some of the most important issues being discussed in these meetings involve ways to look after the mothers better, and help them through the pregnancy and after delivery.
Boot Camp for New Dads® is a registered workshop that has been recognized as the ‘Best Practice’ by the US Department of Health & Human Services, and the US Military. The camp was first held in a local hospital, and has since made its presence felt in 47 states across America. The program has gone international as well, and now has camps in Canada, Britain, Italy, and Japan.
How Does Daddy Boot Camp® Help Dads-to-be
This is a one-time workshop that lasts for 3 hours. During this period, rookie dads are oriented about everything an expectant father must be aware about. Some of those aspects include:
- How to establish credibility with the mother, in order to be trusted with the care of the baby.
- The right way to swaddle a baby.
- How to comfort a crying baby.
- The use of a burp cloth, and what all to keep in a baby-kit.
- How to feed and burp the baby after meals.
- Differentiate between various types of baby cries, and be able to tell what the child needs.
- How to change diapers.
- Discuss important mother-related issues to help the expecting mother before, during, and after giving birth.
- Detect signs of postpartum depression.
These rookies are taught the ropes of fatherhood by facilitators or coaches who direct the discussions between the rookies and veteran dads. Group members discuss sensitive matters, and also gain some hands-on experience about baby-care activities. Some of the veterans introduce their 2- to 8-month old babies to the group of rookies, and gradually show them how to take care of an infant in the correct manner. The rookies are also taught how to hold, swaddle, feed the baby, and change diapers.
Boot Camp for New Dads® also allows veterans to be certified as coaches for their program, after undergoing training. This program allows expectant dads from all walks of life to participate, and encourages rookies from different economic backgrounds, ages, and cultures, to attend the program. The to-be-dads are not required to be married either, as the prime focus of the program is to help men become better fathers, and to ensure that every child has a father to rely on. This program is also unique in the aspect that, it is the only program in the country to offer curriculum in Spanish for Spanish-speaking to-be-dads.