She says she has found the man of her dreams, and is ready to take the plunge. But as a father, you are having second thoughts about the man she’s going to marry. Your future son-in-law could be arriving anytime to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, and you need to be sure before you give your blessing. How can you be sure? Well, asking some important questions can help you get a better idea about your future son-in-law.
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.
Enid Bagnold
From the time you laid eyes on her, you swore to protect her from all evil. She is your little princess, and you love her no matter what. You have been her constant companion, and the most important man in her life. However, a lot of time has passed since you rocked her cradle for the first time. She is all grown up, transformed into a beautiful young woman. She has done great for herself academically and professionally. During those years, she fell in and out of love, and you stood beside her like a rock, comforting her through the ups and downs she faced. Nevertheless, now you’ve heard that she is seeing someone for quite a while. She seems content, and never complains about him. You’ve never seen her this happy.
But the day that every father dreads does arrive. He has proposed to her, and she has accepted it. You are happy for your little princess, but you still question the motives of your would-be son-in-law. Sure, your daughter seems happy with him, but that isn’t enough for you. You need to have a man-to-man talk to get to know him better. And to know how serious he is about your daughter, you can ask the following questions.
Questions to Ask Your Would-be Son-in-Law
Do you really love my daughter?
How long have you and my daughter been together?
Why have you chosen my daughter as your partner to marry?
What qualities of my daughter do you like?
Are there any activities that you two enjoy doing together?
What are the major differences between you and my daughter?
What do you not like about my daughter?
Have you ever been engaged or married before?
How many women have you been with before you met my daughter?
Where are you planning to go for the honeymoon?
Where are you originally from?
Do you believe in God?
Do you attend Church? (If the answer to the previous question is ‘Yes’.)
Tell me about your parents.
How many siblings do you have?
Who is your favorite – mom or dad?
Do you have a temper?
Who do you support, The Democrats or The Republicans?
What is your academic background?
Do you plan to study in the future?
Have you ever been in any kind of trouble with the law?
Where are you employed currently?
How long have you been working there?
Do you have any outstanding debts?
Do you plan to stay on your current job for a while?
Do you have your own house to stay?
Do you plan to have children in the future?
Are your parents happy with this decision?
Some of you might find the list too long, but I’m sure that with these questions, you can really know what your future son-in-law is like. Fathers can also suggest questions below. For the sons-in-law, no matter how ridiculous and jovial these questions sound, the man asking them is pretty serious. Be prepared.