Toddlers love colors. Now, teaching them to read alphabets gets all the more easy with colorful printable alphabet letters. These alphabets are easy and fascinating to use, and can be printed and reused as and when you please.
Teaching toddlers to read and write is the most important responsibility of parents, it must be done with a lot of patience and care. Early childhood education is the key reason for the development of motor skills and analytical skills. Common methods of teaching preschoolers may vary from one child to the other depending on their grasping capacity and attention span.
So it’s important to keep them interested in what they are being taught, that means using phonetics to a very large extent and repetitive visual display of alphabets. Repetition is absolutely needed while teaching, because the kids need to get familiar with the design and form of the alphabet being shown to them. Printable alphabet letters are now readily available on the Internet, they are innovative educational toys which come in big fonts, can be printed one alphabet at a time and surely make learning a joyful activity.
Click here to access the images of all the 26 printable alphabet letters individually and print them now!
Printable Alphabet Letters to Color
The printouts of these alphabet letters can be cut into shape and used as templates for making your child fill color into it. Using crayons or pencil colors helps as they take more time to fill in the coloring space giving children time to figure out the dimension of the word they are dealing with. Using different colors and describing the colors loudly to them will also help them differentiate between the colors and remember their names. The templates of these printable letters come in colors of black, green, blue and red thus, making the colors stand out for children to recognize.
This exercise must be repeated, till the child is aware of that particular alphabet and the various colors thoroughly. Until then it is unwise to move on to the next word. These printable letters can also be used for many creative activities such as for tracing the template on paper, a board, fabric-cloth etc. These templates can be then made into bed sheets, quilts, T-shirts or napkins so that children have constant access to them and they get to visually memorize the alphabets.
Letters for Preschoolers
Children learn through the medium of imitation therefore it is important that they, are taught to pronounce the alphabets correctly while they learn reading and writing. Playing memory games with alphabet flash cards is an excellent way of making the process of learning fun and teaching kids to read. Having fun while learning will only make the kids remember what was taught to them through the games. Stencils can be drawn from the printable letters for giving written practice to the preschoolers.
These alphabets come in various fonts, shapes and sizes. They are also available in different themes such as flowers, candies, animals, teddy bears and many more, each of these have the alphabets written inside them. This makes the visual appeal of the letters so much greater and interesting for the kids. Encourage the kids to fill the letters with different colors, to keep them from getting bored too fast. Learning the alphabet letters by making learning fun will definitely show positive results for you and your kids.
Letters for Kids
These templates of printable alphabets are useful older kids in kindergarten and first grade. They should be made to regularly practice on alphabet worksheets and alphabet mini-books to sharpen recognition of letters and to their writing skills. There are printable letters that come in jigsaw puzzles that are not only fun to play but are also great for learning.Every child learns differently some take longer than the others.
Parents must understand their child’s potential and drawbacks. May be the child is suffering from a learning disability that need special attention and time. For example dyslexia is fairly common in many children all over the world, which comparatively delays the child’s learning pace. Learning disabilities can be rectified with kinder and creative ways of teaching, which definitely bear fruit.
Printable alphabets are easy to use and dynamic in their teaching potential. Children react more positively to this method of teaching and take active participation, while being taught. It is truly an exiting new way of learning for your kids. Give your child the pleasure of learning through them.