The information about ideal baby weight provided below help in tracking the growth of infants. The ideal baby weight calculator provided by the pediatrician should prove to be useful.
Many different factors contribute to the process of weight gain in babies. In order to track weight gain in babies, the ideal baby weight chart prepared by pediatricians need to be used. Proper diet, exercise, rest and regular check ups can ensure that there is ideal weight gain in babies. Let us understand the different aspects of weight gain in babies through the information presented below.
Ideal Newborn Weight
The weight of newborn babies ranges between 6 pounds, 2 oz. to 9 pounds, 2 oz. The full-term babies or those who are born after 37-40 weeks generally have weight in this range. During regular visits to the doctor, one can find out the ideal weight for babies. The numbers pertaining to ideal range of weight for babies are provided by the doctors during such visits. Parents can compare these weights with that of their babies. The numbers are provided in the percentile format. Weight of baby is said to be on the 50th percentile, if it is 50% more than the ideal weight.
Ideal Baby Weight Calculator
The different factors which affect weight of babies include genetics, eating habits, temperament and health history. Weighing the baby at the time of birth is necessary to keep track of the weight gain/loss in future. In first 3-4 days of birth, around 10% body weight is lost. This 10% loss is regained by the time baby is 2 weeks old. For the first six months after birth, a breast-fed and healthy baby gains around 2 pounds weight every month.
It is generally observed that weight of newborn babies increase two times by the age of 4 months. At the first birthday, one can expect the weight to triple. Growth charts for weight gain in babies are provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. As long as the increase in weight is consistent, one can be assured that it is ideal. A simple method of checking whether a baby is gaining weight properly, is given by Dr. Jay Gordon. Things to look out for, according to the recommendations of Dr. Jay Gordon are as follows: the baby should eat well, be alert and finally should wet the diapers in appropriate amounts.
Failure to Thrive
The babies which exhibit fluctuations in terms of weight gain/loss, way beyond the normal range/limit fail to thrive. The following points can be used in determining whether a baby fails to thrive.
- Weight of the baby is 20% below the normal/ideal range.
- The weight should be less than 3rd percentile, if measured/gauged on a standard growth chart.
- A growth curve tracks pattern of weight gain in babies. Alteration/change in this growth pattern shows that the baby fails to thrive.
The ideal baby weight which depends on various factors is one of the important indicators of healthy growth. Tracking the weight regularly should help ensure that weight gain takes place at a proper pace.