A bassinet is a bed or cradle used for babies that are newly born till they reach the age of about 3 months. Choosing the right bassinet for your baby is very important as it will be spending its most formative months of development in it. This AptParenting article comes up with pointers towards choosing the right bassinet for your baby.
Did You Know?
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has guidelines for using bassinets, but the government has not created rules and safety standards that companies have to follow while making bassinets.
Babies are susceptible to injury or even death if their sleeping quarters are not appropriate. That is why choosing the right bassinet for your little one is very crucial.
There is a large variety of bassinets and other baby furniture available, because of which making the right choice may prove difficult. Here are tips and pointers for selecting the right bassinet for your baby.
Points to Consider While Selecting a Bassinet
The first point while buying any equipment regarding children and babies is the safety aspect. When you are buying a bassinet for your newborn baby, look out for a bassinet that has a strong frame and sturdy base so that it does not collapse or tip over. Also, look out for gaps between bars―if they are big enough for your baby’s foot or arm to go through it, then do not buy it. Apart from the main structure, one must also thoroughly check the bedding. It should be without any padding aside from the bassinet bedding that is provided by the manufacturers. All the decoration on the bassinet should not be within the reach of your baby. Bassinets are meant for infants; therefore, once your baby starts to kick, it must be shifted to a crib so that the bassinet does not tip over due to the movement of your little one.
Portability and Height
Bassinets come with the option of being portable. They have wheels attached at the bottom, making them easy to move from one room to another. Look for bassinets that have wheels that lock, as they are much more convenient to move around as compared to bassinets that do not have wheels. Bassinets that can be easily folded are also a good option if you are looking for an easily movable bassinet for your little one. Always choose a bassinet of appropriate height. It should not be too high or too low, because both these factors may put pressure on your back when you are placing your baby in it. The easiest way to do that is to stand next to one, and see if the top-edge of the bassinet reaches your waist. If it does, then you should consider buying it. The height of the bassinet is for the mother’s benefit; that is why, one with the perfect height should be chosen.
Stationary or Rocking
Stationary and rocking bassinets have their pros and cons, so making a choice between the two is a tad difficult. The former take up lesser space and are not bulky, but they do not rock the baby to sleep. Both are comfortable and suitable. So, choosing either one depends completely on your budget and space requirements.
Bassinets are an expensive type of nursery furniture. So, buying one should be thought over thoroughly. Many mothers prefer not to use one and just directly use a crib. The only glitch in using a crib when the baby is younger than 3 months of age is that a crib is large, and there are various factors, like blankets, pillows, etc., that may injure the baby, or may be a cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). To prevent mishaps, people are advised to use bassinets, but at the end of the day, the choice is solely up to the parents. Whatever you choose, just make sure that it is safe and comfortable for the baby.