Electric cars are the most exiting toys that you can gift to your kids. Classy designs, rich colors and models that imitate the famous cars, make these the most desired toys of many kids. Go through this article to know about the features and options available in electric cars for kids in the market.
Miniature cars or remote control cars are always the top picks, when you think of buying a toy for your kid. While remote control toy cars are a fave of little ones, all of them wish to drive those electric cars as they grow up. Buying a fantastic mini electric car for your kid on his/her birthday is a great idea. With a bit of know-how you can decide which one is the best piece for your kid, among many electric mini cars available in the market. Many brands are launching average and advanced products in this category. Advanced features are added model after model, with their increasing demand. These toys are becoming a hot favorite of parents who are looking for classy toys for their little ones.
While kids’ electric cars are available in a number of brands, it is essential to do a good research before purchasing one. Moreover, you can decide your budget and then check the best car models available in this price range. The best way of choosing a good car is shortlisting a few models and then properly comparing their specifications, features and price tag. Of course, your kid’s likes and dislikes remain the top priority. So here’s more information about choosing the right electric car for your little one.
All About Electric Cars for Children
Battery Basics
Battery voltage is an important element of the entire make of an electric car. These cars come in 6 volt, 12 volt and 24 volt version. While the 12 volt version is most sold, the ideal pick actually depends upon your kid’s weight and the terrain on which this car will be driven. For kids under the age of 5 years, 6 V toy electric cars are good picks. These are suitable to be driven on flat surfaces. Though you can drive these over grass, their speed and overall stability can be best experienced on flat roads. 12 V electric cars are best for hard surfaces and run well over gravel as well as grass. These are usually two-speed cars with a speed limit of 5 mph. For elder kids, 24 V electric cars remain a good option. With a speed of 15 mph, these also offer many advanced features, which elder kids would love to have in their toy car.
Indoor or Outdoor Use
While some cars are suitable for indoor use only, others can be driven outdoors as well. Apart from the battery voltage that differentiates a toy car for use on uneven and flat surfaces, wheels and other features together will decide whether it is an indoor use or outdoor use car. Best to pick an outdoor use car which will be an exciting toy for your kid if he/she is more than 3 years old. Let your child drive it freely in your garden and walkways and have a fun-filled time. Cars with quality wheels having a wide base are good picks. Apart from adding the sturdy factor, wide base wheels also add a stylish look to the machine.
Other Features
There are a number of features that electric cars for kids consist of. More the features, higher the price tag. Lights, horn, foot accelerator, key start, steering wheel and mirrors are the features that are available in these cars. Advanced models come with extra features like horn on the steering wheel, forward and reverse gear, music horn and detachable steering which can be plugged to a video game and two-speed engine. These have a chargeable battery, the charging time of which varies in each case. Understanding the features and considering your kid’s age is much essential. Remember that your child must be able to understand the features properly so that he/she operates it well.
Trendy Designs
Well, here comes the most exciting section of electric car toys for kids. For kids, driving such a toy electric car is definitely a dream. But the real fun is in driving a car that looks trendy. Those which imitate the models of top automobile brands are the highest sold pieces. While a trendy pink electric car will easily be liked by your little girl, the hot red sports car is going to be your little boy’s pick. An olive-green Porsche and a white Lamborghini model is sure to catch your kid’s attention. A cute red or yellow beetle electric car is the best piece for your girl child. How about a BMW roadster in steel finish and alloy wheels or a sliver colored Jaguar with wing mirrors and alloy wheels? Definitely, these are the hottest toys in the market!
Playing indoors with those remote control cars for kids is a passe with the growing popularity of electric cars. If you are on a tight budget you can check out the cheap electric scooters for kids which are another category of hot toys for kids. Browse through all the options and models of electric cars available in the market and buy that ‘Rolls-Royce’ of all the toys for your kid!