Want to know all the digestive problems in infants? This article will tell you all the common digestive problems in children, and how you can deal with them. Read on..
Before we proceed to the list of digestive problems, let us take a look at the overall picture. We first need to know that digestive problems are an outcome of small intestine problems, large intestine problems and some other external issues relating to the digestive system in general. In this article, we shall look at the common digestive problems, which seem to be a major concern for parents. It is absolutely necessary for parents to have a slight knowledge of these problems as at times, increase in severity and intensity of these problems can lead to unwanted results and kid’s health problems.
List of Digestive Problems in Infants
It is very sad and very surprising, but approximately 450 babies in the United States die due to diarrhea each year. Diarrhea is thus, one of the major digestive problems today. This can be caused due to a number of reasons. The most likely causes are change in diet, antibiotic uses and by certain infections. If the baby is still breast fed, a change in the mothers diet can also lead to diarrhea. Rehydration is said to be the best treatment for diarrhea in babies and can be done at home.
Another common digestive problem in infants is Constipation. This digestive problem may develop again, due to change in diet, medication or even behavior. However, constipation can be diagnosed and treated at home easily. Constipation is a situation when the infant has hard bowel movements. High fiber foods and fruits work as good treatment for constipation. However, if your infant is hardly a few years old or is also suffering from rectal bleeding, consult a doctor immediately.
Vomiting is yet another digestive problem in infants that is highly misunderstood. Most mothers mistake spitting up for vomiting, which is normal in most infants after a meal and in company of a burp. Vomiting in infants is a result of blockage of the stomach or intestinal blockage. In slightly older infants, the cause for vomiting is usually or mostly always an infection that is caused mostly by a virus. However, vomiting is not a serious issue if it happens once due to overeating or reasons alike. But if the intensity is high and happens frequently, it should be shown to a doctor.
Baby Colic
Baby Colic (intense crying of the infant for a said number of hours everyday) is still considered as one of the earliest known digestive problems in infants and said to be a result of abdominal pain. Though most doctors disagree to the fact and their reasons are quite believable too, this is still considered a digestive problem by many. Infants also are said to experience relief after massaging of the abdomen. This topic is still under debate and the doctor’s consultation is a must. The word ‘colic’ too, is derived from the Greek word for intestine.
Pain, I agree is a very general term. But there are many reasons that may cause these pains. The digestive system (including the intestines) of infants in some cases is underdeveloped. This causes many other problems apart from irregular bowel movements. Digesting certain ingredients becomes a problem like that of lactose intolerance. This may result in pain. Bladder infection and appendicitis are two other reasons that might lead to this pain but these are uncommon.
Now that you know all the digestive problems in infants, you can take proper care of your infant’s digestive health. Please note that this information is not a replacement of a visit to the doctor or his/her consultation. Infants are difficult to check for symptoms and hence, a majority of other digestive problems in children can be checked only by the doctor. Proper advice and suggestions can be given only after proper diagnosis. Infant digestive problems are common but can lead to serious issues if neglected. For this very reason, it is expected that you at least have a slight idea about them.