There are plenty of cough remedies for babies, which are very effective, and more importantly, safe. Read the article below to know more about them.
The sight of a baby coughing is very painful for its parents. Being such a tiny being, it cannot even express its irritation over it. First of all, parents do not understand what is the causes the condition in infants. They take all the precautions to keep their baby away from all minor and major illnesses. However, new parents should keep in mind that these are common problems even in kids. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, children get six-ten colds a year on average! So, do not panic, and do not use any over-the-counter medicines for getting rid of the problem; according to the National Institutes of Health, over-the-counter medications should not never be used without prescription for kids who are below 2 years, as it can cause harmful effects. There are many common causes for this condition, so, it is first necessary to understand the cause and then treat it. The following are some of the common causes, followed by cough remedies for babies.
- Common cold
- Croup in babies
- Respiratory syncytial virus
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Natural irritants
- Sinusitis
- Whooping cough
- Swallowing of any object
- Pneumonia
- Cystic fibrosis
Natural Remedies
- Herbal Tea: This is one of the best solutions. Different types of herbal teas are said to be very effective, as they help to clear mucus. Make lemon tea by adding 1 tsp of lemon juice along with 1 tsp of natural sweetener like stevia to 8 oz of warm water. Make this tea in the baby bottle itself. Do not use honey as a natural sweetener for a baby under 2 years.
- Herbal Rub: This is an effective child remedy. Make a herbal rub by mixing 3 – 4 tbs of olive oil and 2 drops of essential oils like sage, rosemary, eucalyptus, and peppermint oil. Apply the mixture of these oils on the baby’s back and chest, and keep her covered tightly so that the heat builds up and the oils vaporize.
- Steam: Steam works wonders in case of infants as well as adults. Infants can obviously not be taken near a steamer for steam. So, simply run hot shower for a while, the steam will build up automatically. Then, take the baby in the steam.
- Humidifier: If the baby is troubled only during the night, a humidifier will prove very useful. Put a few drops of sage or thyme oil on the humidifier and set in the baby’s room. It will help the baby to sleep in comfort.
- Saline Drops: Saline drops help to clear the nasal passages. Place a few drops of salt drops in each nostril of the baby before feeding, wait for about 60 seconds; then, using a bulb syringe, remove the discharge gently.
- Cool Air: If croup is the culprit, taking the baby for a walk in the cool air at night, will provide relief. Wrap it up in a warm blanket, and take her and walk in the cool air for about an hour. This will help to soothe the inflamed upper airways.
These were some of the best cough remedies for babies. As stated earlier, using over-the-counter medicines for a baby is not safe, so do not use any of the medicines.
Disclaimer: This AptParenting article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.