Activity toys for infants helps them to develop skills, learn new things, and think for themselves. Here are few examples, so that you can buy the best toys for your baby.
Your little angel is learning a new thing every single day. Only yesterday did the tiny toddler learn how to crawl and walk. Providing intelligent toys to infants, stimulates their brain, and makes them thinkers from an early age. Toys help infants to recognize shapes, colors, sounds, and sizes. When infants play with toys they are actually discovering the immense amount of things they can do with their hands and legs. Some babies suck on to their thumbs, some kick every object that comes in their way or some throw everything around them. Majority of toddlers develop a habit of popping everything into their mouth. Hence, when you buy toys, put a little thought into what it will give your child.
Crib Mobiles
This the first toy that most parents buy. It’s a mobile that you can hang on your baby’s crib. The fancy animals or shapes, colors, and sounds become the baby’s first association with its sleeping place. As days and months pass by, your baby will try and reach out to the mobile crib. Make sure the mobile is removed once the baby can sit upright.
Toy Nibbles for Teething
Teething is a very annoying process for babies. Teething makes toddlers bite anything and everything. Buying teething rattles and rings are a great way of comforting your child. These can be stored in refrigerators. Make sure you’ve cleaned these toys before you hand it over to your child.
Activity Playhouses
Activity playhouses or centers provide hours and hours of entertainment to your child. The interesting shapes, objects, and structures make the child go beyond his imagination. Such activity toys for kids are best before they learn how to walk. This also teaches your bundle of joy to decipher the relation of one toy to another.
Matching Toys
Matching toys are meant for 2 year olds. Matching toy can be a deck of flash cards with pictures on them. Your child will begin to learn similarities and differences with these matching toys. Once the child learns how to match, it will begin to recognize the same objects in reality. This helps in building confidence, experiencing gratifications, and boosts the enthusiasm to learn more everyday.
Musical Toys
Musical toys are great for babies. They are usually with shapes of animals on them with a corresponding musical key. The child begins to learn animal sounds like ‘moo’, ‘hoot’, ‘bark’, and so on. Such toys also teach them the cause-effect relationship, by discovering which sound is produced by hitting a key. Musical toys train the child to understand musical notes.
Books are meant for 2 year olds and above. Introducing books to your child will get him/her into a good habit of reading. Have plenty of books at home so that your child never runs out on options to read. This a good way of increasing your child’s vocabulary, diction, intonation, speech, pronunciation, and self-presentation skills through loud reading.
Activity toys for infants are basically tools for your child to develop life skills. These skills, learned at an early age are assets that your child can bank on for the rest of his/her life. Take a little effort in buying smart toys for your child so that your child becomes a thinker and not just a follower.